Good Sunday Afternoon! I'm slowly coming back from my break. Last Sunday my husband and I rode in the Chicagoland Ride for Kids on our motorcycle. This ride benefits The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and has become one of our favorite rides. We rode 140 miles roundtrip which is nothing when you think about what these kids and their families are going through.
This week I managed to finish The Glass Castle by Jeanette Wells for bookclub and was less than thrilled with it. I felt there was no emotion in the story. I am amazed that she came through her childhood so well. I will have a review up this week.
I have about 50 pages left of The Questory of Root Karbunkulus which was sent to me by Pump Up Your Book Promotion. I have to finish it today and get my review posted. I am so behind.
On top of having a mounting tbr pile I threw my back out today and this is the first time I have gotten up. I have been doing way too much! The worst part is when I am in so much pain I cannot concentrate on reading. I am not traveling this week so I will be able to get some reading and reviewing done! Yeah, it's about time!
I hope everyone has a great reading week!