The question this week is, how many books do you have catalogued in your Librarything account? How do you decide what to include- everything you have, everything you've read- and are there things you leave off?
I currently have 178 books cataloged which is nowhere near what I own. I started adding all of the books I own and tagging them appropriately, although my tagging method to start is pathetic. I got about a quarter of the way through my books and just stopped. I couldn't keep up with chatting and entering my books! Joy over at Jlshall has inspired me to order a cuecat which I hope to do this evening. I also have to pay for my account as I will soon be at 200 books.
I include everything. I was originally using LT to keep track of what I read in a given year but have found so many books that I want to read I decided to just add those as well. I hope to tag those separately soon. I admit I have gotten rather lazy with my cataloging which is fine with me because the books aren't going anywhere!
I now can access my LT account on my phone which is very helpful when I am browsing the bookstores. That way I do not buy duplicate books which I have done from time to time.
Have a great week everyone!
On your PHONE??? You are WAY more technically advanced than I am. I just learned how to send a text message over the weekend, LOL. Oh well, I have never to my knowledge bought a duplicate book, so maybe I don't need to know how to do this!
I have a spreadsheet that I still keep as well. This one tracks the number of pages i've read and the number of books...it lets me know if I am on track of my goal or not and what my projected amount of books I'll read over the year will be. I can then track and trend from on year to the next. (Yeah, I'm a dork. lol)
I also learned how to do the 3 column thing today by a link posted on the ER blogring thread. it was very helpful and easy to follow. My page is longer then I'm used to but I think that it looks a little neater to have the 3 columns.
I would LOVE to be able to access my LT list on my phone, but I'm extremely techno-challenged! Think I'd probably need a phone upgrade first, as well.
I started out just thinking I'd list my 200 free books and be done with it, but this is so addictive.
I love that little cat scanner! I didn't start with LT, so I had all my books on another site and was able to move them over pretty easily. If not, I would have purchased it. :)
The cuecat is totally worth it, along with a lifetime membership :)
I didn't know you can access LT on the phone! That would be so useful. I've bought duplicates occasionally too.
My tagging is pathetic too.
I love tagging. It was harder to do when I had to enter in all my books, but since then I've just gone through and made my once-pathetic tags a lot more relevant and consistent for me.
I'd love to access LT on my phone, that seems like a brilliant idea!
Funny but like LisaMM I've never bought a book that I already own. Maybe my obsession is worse than I thought LOL.
Thanks for reminding me you can access LT on the phone. It's pretty handy when I remember to use it.
Thanks for the comments everyone! I actually have a blackberry (work provided) so I have internet access on it but most cell phones now have internet access as well. It is very convenient especially when I need directions! The biggest complaint I have is typing on those little keys but I have gotten used to it and am now pretty fast.
It's amazing to me how many of my customers actually text me. I am a sales rep for a food manufacturer. It can be fun but also annoying!
About six months ago I bought the book Evening right around the time the movie was coming out thinking it sounded good. I came home and started reading it thinking this sounds so familiar. I mentioned this to my mom and she said I had already read it, that's why it was so familiar. Sure enough, I went to my library and had the copy right there on my shelf with a different cover which I have convinced myself is the reason for the duplication.
Irish, I am a dork also. I like to see how many pages I have read and my stats as well.
I do not use Excel to track my entire library. Only my yearly reading progress.
I haven't tried accessing LT on my phone yet, but I've thought about it. You're right, it's a great way to avoid duplicates if you can have immediate access to your library.
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